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Here there be Monsters

The map you have known your whole life is burning at the edges,

Are you prepared to face the monsters that lie beyond?

Are you strong enough to wage war with the Demons?

To stand in the breach twixt monsters and men,

And hold that line against fate, come what may?

Or will you fall as wheat touched by the sun,

showing your roots for the straws they have always been.

Will you alone fight, when all about you are consumed by fear?

What heroes shall rise to save us?

have we not dug up all their graves,

And burnt their bones for the crime of being men?

No. We will burn, Our ashes coloring the pages of history.

And our children will ask then,

Why did we not do, before that doing we did was done too late,

Why wandered we blind, as sheep to the slaughter.

Will you be counted with the sheep, or with wolves,

Or will you rise as mankind,

and take not part in the fate of unknowing beasts?

The truth will set you free,

as fire sets loose the seeds of spruce.

Is there still within you that may be free?

Or are you only a husk,

to be consumed by truth,

becoming as it has, your greatest fear.

For lies need not be censored,

neither do false prophets threaten the truth.

It is the truth that must be censored,

for fear it may set fire to that house of cards,

concealing the designs of the untruthful.

And the blaze it lights will tear through all false maps,

So be careful that the truth catches you not,

unprepared for monsters, and the end of the world.



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